Who run the world ? GIRLS.
« Gender Equality Is A Myth« . Ça a le titre d’un pamphlet patenté, le genre à vous enfoncer les portes ouvertes et… ah bah tiens c’est clairement ça. Beyoncé à rédigé un petit « essai » sur les clivages sociétaux entre sexes en vue d’un eBook à paraitre (incluant Hilary Clinton, Eva Longoria ou Jada Pinkett Smith) et… c’est consensuel au possible. D’un autre côté, l’objectif ici n’est pas de trouver une continuité à Simone De Beauvoir mais d’impliquer une femme influente au sein d’une cause donnée. Donc Mme Knowles-Carter a choisi d’angler du côté de l’aspect financier, on vous propose un petit extrait conservé dans la langue de Jay Z pour la pureté et l’authenticité du verbe :
“We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality.
“It isn’t a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes.
“But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters earn more – commensurate with their qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect.
“Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another. So why are we viewed as less than equal? These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible.
“We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of voters. We must demand that we all receive 100 percent of the opportunities.”
Bon. Saluons le geste, l’intention est louable et peut-être que l’éveil des consciences doit passer par là. Voyons ce que l’ensemble donnera lors de la sortie de l’ouvrage le 15 janvier, téléchargeable ici.