Isolée va sortir un nouveau single sur le label de Ripperton (et du coup Riri le remixe)

Originellement apparu dans la B.O d'un film sur le skate, « Dennis » est parvenu dans les oreilles de Ripperton au cours d'une soirée où Isolée mixait. Ripperton se dit comme « comme c'est doux et soyeux à l'oreille qu'est ce que c'est ? ». Pas de Shazam entre nous, Ripperton s'adresse directement à Isolée, lui dit qu'il aimerait publier le titre sur son label et comme l'amour, en musique peut passer par un remix, Ripperton s'y est collé. Le trois titres sort le 29 avril et nous l'avons déjà en écoute. Eh oui.

Le récit de cette bien belle histoire par Ripperton himself :

"At the beginning of last year I went to listen and see Isolée during his live act in Lausanne. He started that night with a really amazing tune – something so full of love and harmony, something that is definitely rare at the moment.

One week later that song was still in my mind and so I asked Rajko what it was, to which he answered: "I did a soundtrack for a skateboard movie and the track I started my live set with is a draft of it." I asked him to make me an edit to be played in my set. I’ve been playing "Dennis" for the past year in all my sets around the world and always receive a fantastic reaction from the smiling crowd.

One year later this special song called "Dennis" is ready to be played by you and the world and I'm really proud and excited to start "Xtra Tamed" with such a masterpiece! I asked one of my best friends and one of the most talented producers around, Baïkal (from Maeve and Innervisions), to work on the remix and trust me when I say that this rework has a similarly funny but long story as the original cut! Isolée vs Baikal sounds like a match made in heaven, don't ya think?

Maybe one day I'll release a book about all these genius making-of stories but for now, it’s all about the music and emotions. The mastering was carefully done by Hans at Deinklang. You can also check out the skate video mentioned above here"