En V.O (parce que vous êtes tous anglophones), on vous publie le message original de Simonetti :
"Its been a weird year. it started with beauty, a new baby– and slowly deteriorated into death and destruction via the hurricane, and has evolved into sick dogs, losing booking agents and now has morphed into freak medical emergencies and living at the hospital. (the kids are fine) .
these edits have been sitting around for a while and i used them for playing out, and when i was going through them i decided to finish them during my extended times in hospital waiting rooms and recovery areas, as well as the odd airport in between.
this is my gift to the year 2012- hoping it give me some sort of good vibe karma and get me through the rest of 2012 on the positive side. The Secret Santa ep is a free edit ep of mostly lo-fi African funk, soul, and disco. no slick mixing or added instruments. just old school edits. enjoy the free downloads and enjoy the start of the 2012 Holidays. stay strong NJ."
C'est vrai que sur la photo, Simonetti a l'air d'avoir le moral dans les soquettes.